by Morrodict

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To the leaders of the Twin Lamps,

I am Raedwald, Grandmaster of the Order of Kynareth in Wyrmhaven.

Recently, we uncovered the trafficking of slaves from Morrowind on our island. We swiftly crushed the organisation and discovered that they were transporting slaves from Dren Plantation in Vvardenfel. We severely punished the slavers in the name of Kynareth.

As servants of Kynareth, we oppose slavery and believe that each creature is born free—like the sky, the air, or the wind—and nobody can take this right away.

One of the liberated slaves had contact with the Twin Lamps, your organisation, and after seeing the misery of the slaves, we decided to reach out and offer our alliance to your noble mission to end slavery in Morrowind.

We are currently preparing the military campaign to attack Dren Plantation and destroy their operation. We know this was not the first time they passed with the slaves next to our island, and it’s not the last. We cannot tolerate this. We will end it once and for all, with the blessing of Kynareth.

Our attack will be sharp and swift. We will land in Ebonheart, and after a short rest and replenishing our stocks, directly march to the cursed plantation. We will bring knights who will properly deal with the slavers and healers to heal the enslaved. We will light the way to freedom.

Your aid is welcome—information, intelligence, supplies—an attack on the Dren Plantation is just the beginning. Together we can bring freedom to every creature in Morrowind!

As high as honor,


Grandmaster of the Order of Kynareth