by Morrodict

There are so many quality discussions online about immersion and role play in Morrowind and I wanted to try something new. So I started a new game, role playing as a Dunmer Temple/Redoran character. Background of my character is simple – he is a killer who got another chance in life and now he wants to redeem for his crimes.

Finding out that I’m a free man, but still having a blood on my hands, I was troubled and decided to join the Temple, to try to come closer to the way of life and beliefs of my ancestors. I became involved with the Temple in Balmora, where Feldrelo Sadri gave me a book “The Pilgrim's Path” and told me to make a pilgrimage to the sites from the book. I thought: “I’m dedicating this pilgrimage to ask for forgiveness for my brutal killings”.

First location to visit was Shrine of Humility, at the Fields of Kummu. There, Vivec met a farmer whose guar died and because of that the farmer couldn’t provide for his family, so Vivec worked like a beast to help the farmer. Visiting the Shrine of Humility we pray for the same humility Vivec show that day.

It was a powerful message. Helping the people in need. Putting others first. Making a difference. In that way being strong and real. This meditation really resonated with my character and it gave me a direction. It was such an awesome RP moment.

But all of a sudden I found myself thinking about this meditation after turning off the game - while I was putting the clothes to dry on my balcony. How many times I think only about myself, chasing various things, situations or ideas, and not looking around and just communicate with people and be involved with them. How many times I think my problems are bigger then they really are and I am just focused on them while there are maybe others that could need my help. At the end, am I really living my life in the moment, or am I somewhere else, in the past, future or somewhere far away in my thoughts and not seeing that a way for peace and making a change is here, in front of me.

Yes, it was a sobering moment. What if I do like Vivec did, stop, observe and help? Boom! Everything is changed. Every contact with people seems more meaningful, more human, feeling more connected. Just more love.

I’m looking forward to discovering other shrine locations in the world of Morrowind and their stories and meditations. Can’t wait to see what will my character look like after it.

I can see so many connections to the real life spirituality and religions in this game so far. I never thought how Morrowind could influence my daily life except by playing it and having fun. What an awesome game!