by Morrodict
Dear Morrowind fans and enthusiasts,
With the full and happy heart I'm proud to inform you that the first issue of a Morrowind themed webzine Dagovar is now published! :)
Dagovar is imagined as a Morrowind themed webzine in which members of the Morrowind community write, paint, sing or talk about their favorite mods, playthroughs, opinions and ideas in Morrowind world.
In the first, Fall 2020 issue you can find articles, artworks, texts and interviews from 12 different contributors from the Morrowind community - modders, players, painters, musicians, writers - their high quality content will be to your liking, for sure. :)
Click on the Fall 2020 cover photo to read the webzine:

Note: The hyperlinks don't work on the Issuu website. To download the PDF file with the working hyperlinks please click HERE